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David Mastin rsvped
2014-07-13 13:03:26 -0400
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2014-07-13 12:35:52 -0400
Our General Meeting is tomorrow at the Steelworkers Hall, 7PM (115 Albert St). See you there!
Craig Bois rsvped
2014-07-13 05:32:47 -0400
Cupe Pickering rsvped
2014-07-12 05:34:33 -0400
Trish McAuliffe
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2014-07-09 17:55:39 -0400
I would attend but I have an election debrief meeting to attend at the same time.
Grace Hage rsvped
2014-07-08 05:43:59 -0400
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2014-07-07 22:03:54 -0400
We Are Oshawa is mentioned in this piece on organizing the Left through membership-driven, democratic organizations. Great read!
"Membership based political organizations are necessary if we are serious about deepening political struggle and providing a level of political leadership in order to replace capitalism and help bring about the self-emancipation of the working class...
There are groups beyond the usual suspects which point to new possibilities. Solidarity Halifax, Solidarity Against Austerity (Ottawa), We Are Oshawa, the Left Front (Vancouver), Making Waves (Windsor-Essex) and the London Common Front are just some of the groups that have formed over the last couple of years that could help facilitate a larger leftist formation."
posted about this
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2014-07-04 11:17:46 -0400
Check out a piece about our organization written by our own Tiffany Balducci in
Michael Deegan rsvped
2014-07-04 05:34:37 -0400
Jim Freeman rsvped
2014-07-04 05:34:36 -0400
Kristin Ouimet rsvped
2014-07-04 05:34:36 -0400
Jocelyn Dwyer rsvped
2014-07-04 05:34:36 -0400
Maryellen Stokes rsvped
2014-07-03 14:36:37 -0400
Arnaldo Beni rsvped +1
2014-07-03 13:28:11 -0400
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2014-07-03 10:09:52 -0400
There is a proposal on the agenda to initiate a campaign to support the group Rethink Child Care. Their goal is to make child care an issue in the 2015 federal election and we will discuss a proposal about how to support the campaign locally. Remember, you must be a member to have full voting rights!
mike shields rsvped
2014-06-29 05:33:15 -0400
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2014-06-28 14:10:18 -0400
Remember, only members have voting rights at General Meetings. Membership is free (we do suggest a $5 donation or more for those who can afford it and we will be collecting donations at the meeting), all you have to do is email [email protected] and say, "I'd like to become a member of We Are Oshawa" along with your address, email, full name, and phone number! Thanks!
Himal Hossain rsvped
2014-06-28 05:34:37 -0400
Cory Weir rsvped
2014-06-27 05:34:12 -0400
Leroy Lyttle rsvped
2014-06-27 05:34:12 -0400
Kirk Torraville rsvped
2014-06-27 05:34:12 -0400
Jacqueline Lee Lancaster rsvped
2014-06-27 05:34:12 -0400
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