Organizational Structure

Annual General Meetings of Members

We Are Oshawa is a democratic membership-driven, bottom-up organization and the membership is the highest authority in our organization. Annual General Meetings of Members will be held between February and April at which point the Executive Committee will be elected. The Treasurer will be required to provide an Annual Treasurer’s Report and the Executive Committee will be required to provide an Annual Executive Committee Report to the membership. Annual General Meetings of Members will also consist of a strategy session to determine the key strategic priorities for the year ahead.

General Meetings of Members

General Meetings will take place on a bi-monthly basis or when deemed necessary by the Executive Committee or by a petition consisting of at least 5% of the membership. The Executive Committee will be responsible for drafting the agenda for General Meeting, however the agenda may be amended by the membership at a General Meeting. The Treasurer will be responsible for providing a financial update at every meeting and the Executive Committee will be responsible for creating a comprehensive report to the membership bi-annually. All decisions made at General Meetings must receive the support of at least 60% of members present.

Executive Committee

The five member Executive Committee is elected at-large at an Annual General Meeting of Members between February and April for a one-year term. The Executive Committee will meet bi-weekly or when deemed necessary, via email or in person. All decisions or recommendations to the membership require support from 80% of the members of the Executive Committee. All members of the Executive Committee are subject to recall at any General Meeting, with a two-thirds majority vote of the members present, at any time throughout their one-year terms. Members must be nominated and nominations must be seconded to stand for a position on the Executive Committee. Upon election, the five-person Executive Committee will appoint two Spokespeople (one man, one woman), one Treasurer, three Signing Officers and one Outreach Coordinator for a one year term. All members of the Executive Committee are expected to assume the rotating responsibilities of Chair and Secretary.

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